From 21 – 23 August 2013, I attended the 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting of Australian and New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZSCoS). The theme of the ANZSCoS 2013 ASM was “New Solutions in a Changing World”. This was a topic that encompassed all aspects of the spinal cord impairment (paraplegia and tetraplegia) industry, and brought together delegates from all different segments.
It was great to catch up with old friends such as the Australian Quadriplegic Association (AQA) and the Austin Health Victoria and meet new friends, such as the Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane. I enjoyed meeting the OTs over dinner. They told me about their jobs and I told them about and showed them pictures of the arm.
I particularly enjoyed Dr Trevor Russell’s keynote on tele rehabilitation, John Walsh’s presentation on his work with the NDIS, the individuals who shared their stories about managing their disabilities, and the OTs who had done research posters on using smartphone and common technologies to help manage disabilities.
It was insightful to learn so many new ideas in the disabilities space all at once.
Learn more about ANZSCoS at their website: